This is the first in a new series where I'll be asking riders to compose a playlist of some of their favourite riding tracks. Using Spotify you can tune straight in and take the playlist with you. For the first Sound Check I thought there was no place better to start than with church organist, music producer and back wheel assassin Andy Hale!
What makes good music for Flatland?
Anything with a beat!
Headphones or Boombox?
Although I usually use headphones, nothing beats a sunny session with a boombox (on Brighton seafront).
What's the story with the church organ. do you still play?
Haha, I never played the organ seriously, but I can still bash out some J.S. Bach
You did music at university right? And you've been producing some stuff on soundcloud recently? When are we going to see a release?
Yep, studied Sound Engineering in Birmingham, and I'm currently working on my first release with which I'm hoping to develop my sound and see where it takes me! No official release date as I'm just experimenting in my own time for the moment but I'd like something drafted by the end of March.
Don't forget to check out Andy's Soundcloud here: